No.15 カナダの多国籍料理 Part 2 Multinational cuisine in Canada Part 2 🇨🇦🇹🇼🇮🇳

 多国籍料理 Part1を読んでいない方は、Part2を読み終わった後にでも読んでみてください。内容はこっちより多いです。カナダの多国籍料理なのにカナダ料理を初めに入れるのを忘れていました(笑) なぜかというとその時はまだプティーンの存在を知りませんでした(笑) 

    If you haven't read " Multinational cuisine in Canada Part1 " you can read it after reading this one. I forgot to write about Canadian cuisine, although this topic is multinational cuisine in " Canada " lol because I didn't know what poutine is at the time.


Ⅶ. プティーン(Canada)🇨🇦




   Poutine is one of the typical food in Canada, which is mixed by fries, gulanulated cheese and gravy sauce like fast food. I tried eating it once. I don't think the taste is very special or super delicious, but it tasted good for sure. According to Canadian, there are a variety of style in Poutine, so I guess I just had one of them. If you come to Canada or stay there, It might be good to eat it at least once



  Ⅷ.台湾 🇹🇼



     Taiwanese cuisine is similar to Japanese cuisine except for miso soup, but I think I have never had meat like " Karaage " with red sauce, so It's kind of new for me. You can enjoy eating in either way without red sauce. The style is really Japanese, if you are Japanese you will miss Japanese food after eating it.



 Ⅸ インド🇮🇳

これはインド料理ですね。インド料理といえばインドカレーでしょうか。インドカレーもありました。バイキングなのでかなり食べましたね(知っている方も多いと思いますが、ちなみにバイキングは日本英語なので通じないです)日本で行ってた地元のカレーに比べると全く辛くなかったですね。ロブソン通りにあるので行ったことない人は行ってみてください。平日の昼食は15ドルで食べられます。辛いの苦手な人でも全然食べられます。 All-you-can-eatとbuffetを英語では言いますが、その二つでも違いがあるようです。

 All you can eat はテーブルで注文して店員が持ってくるスタイルのことを言うらしいです。Buffet は自分でお皿を持って料理を取りに行くスタイルのことを言うらしいです。どっちも一定の額のお金を払うとたくさん食べることができますが違いがあります。

 India 🇮🇳

  This is Indian cuisine, What comes to mind when you hear Indian cuisine?? Definitely, I say Indian curry. This is buffet styled restaurant, so I ate tons of indian food. when it comes to Indian curry, a lot of people think it's spicy, but It wasn't as spicy as indian restaurant where I used to go to in my hometown in Japan. It's located on Robson street in Vancouver, if you go there for lunch on a weekday, you can have it just 15 bucks. You don't need to worry about how much spicy it is. It's not spicy and not only curry rice lol



Someday, I would like to take my family or friends to those restaurants like" food tour " where I introduced in Part 1&2 lol



     Happy Holidays and Happy New Year(It's early to say it though) 
