No.3 初めてのキリスト教の教会( Christian Church for the first time )


     ・何ヶ月前ぐらいから、キリスト教の教会に時々、日曜日通っています。 大学で少し勉強して、ちょっと興味があったので通っています。多分、日本人は神道だと思うんですが、宗教と呼べるようなことはあまりしてないのかなとは思ってるので、一応無宗教という位置付けで話していきたいと思います。

       I have been going to church sometimes on Sonday since my friends invited me to go there. I studied about religions a little which are very famous around the world Like Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, I'm just curious about one of them.



Coastal Churchという世界中にある教会にあるカナダ版みたいなのに行っています。そんなに大きくはないですが、結構人はいます。

I'm going to Coastal church in downtown, Vancouver which is located in the world. It is not a very big one, but tons of people are there.



・雰囲気と内容( The atmosphere & contents )



       The atmosphere is very agreeable, and they embrace any kind of people.. It's free for sure, but some of people donate them. In the opening,basically we are supposed to sing some songs because they have a sort of band, so it's kind of enjoyable, before sitting own seat we usually greet one another next to ourselves. in the middle part, the guy, he is standing on the stage, then, he almost always reads the Bible or talks about some trendy topics as you can see, he talked about Pokemon GO at the moment Lol For me It's literally difficult because he speaks English so quickly even native speakers are hard to understand though.....according to my teacher, so It must be super hard for non-native speakers, but I just try to get used to it and make an effort to listen to and catch it... I just hope It's getting better even a little bit.....Lol


行くきっかけは、無料でTim Hortonsのコーヒーが飲めるのと、パンとかりんごがもらえるからだったのですが、アホみたいな理由ですが、行き始めたら変わりました。何事もとりあえず、きっかけが大事ですね。

 They offer me Tim hortons's coffee, my fave coffee and an apple Lol Whatever the catalyst is supposed to be significant.