No.7 バンクーバのルール..え?公共の場での飲酒??( Vancouver's rules in terms of drinking and smoking )

・カナダ(バンクーバーの規則 ) some rules in Vancouver

    喫煙 ( smoking )🚬

  カナダのバンクーバーの建物内は喫煙禁止です。日本みたいに喫煙スペースと禁煙スペースで隔離されてなく、完全に禁止です。まず、タバコを建物内で吸ってる人を見たことないですね。マリファナ多いですけどね(笑) タバコ嫌いなのですごくこのルール気に入ってます。結局、スペースが分かれてても臭うし、その分、席の数も減るのでいいと思いますね。百害あって一利なし...周りに悪影響しか与えないので、この規則は理解できると思いました。日本も都会とかは変わってきてるんじゃないでしょうか。個人的に、日本もこの規則導入してほしい思いました。

   Smoking in any building has been prohibited completely in Vancouver, Canada unlike Japan..😁AcutuallyI've never seen the people who smoke in any building in Canada.In japan some restaurants have some space for the people who want to smoke inside in general, but it is dividied among them for sure. some restaurants have been prohibited though, I hate smells of cigarettes and everything of it Lol even though it's divided, It kind of smells and the seats that we can sit decrease because of it, the people who don't smoke don't want to sit at the seats which are for smokers or are next to smokers because it's bad for health. As you know, smoking is nothing good but very harmful and there is only bad effects to others, so for me this rule is understandable and acceptable. In my opinion, I hope Japan will incorporate it into down the road. I totally agree with this rule.



   飲酒 ( drinking )🍻

 カナダのバンクーバは、公共の場で飲酒をするのは禁止です。ビーチでもダメ、道端も公園もダメです。室内でしかアルコールは飲めないってことですね。実際、外で飲んでる人ほぼ見たことないですね。この規則は、外で飲んで酔って暴れる人とか喧嘩を防ぐためだという考え方もありますが、おそらく公共のゴミが増えるのを防ぐ目的です。なぜかといったら、室内で飲んだ後に、外に出た場合でもアルコールのせいで喧嘩になる可能性はあるからです。花火などをビーチで見るときにアルコールはなしです。この規則もあんまり自分に影響が全くないですね。基本的に、アルコールはよっぽどのことがないと飲まないので..(笑) カナダ人でアルコール好きの人が日本はいいよねとよく言ってきますね。 

       Drinking in public is banned absolutely such as beaches, on the street and parks.. You can drink alcohol in a building instead,😮so In fact, I've never seen the people who drink in public. This rule is considered for people who doesn't have self-control after drinking, or prevent fighting among drinkers, but it is to prevent increasing of litters for the environment in all likelihood. If the former is the purpose, it doesn't really make sense because Fighting could happen after drinking at home or somewhere in a building possibly. but it's still legal. Unfortunately, there is no drinking even to see fireworks at the beach in Vancouver..As you know, It doesn't matter to me either like smoking because I don't drink basically, so Canadians are often tell me that Japan is allowed to drink in public, so they are jealous of it..In japan, we can drink anywhere and easy to get it from vending machine or convenience stores...




      What do you think about these things!?






                   Thank you for reading!👋🏼



No.6 🇨🇦 カナダのファーストフードが、世界中で一番不健康.?Canadian Fast food is unhealthier than any other countries..??🇨🇦

                                   カナダのファーストフード ( Canadian fast food )

      日本ももちろんありますが、世界中にある有名なファーストフード、例えばマクドナルド、ピザハットSUBWAY, BURGER KING などがありますがこれらのファーストフードが不健康すぎるとして、カナダでは問題になっています。何が問題かと言いますと、塩分、脂肪、コレステロールが高すぎるということです。他の国に比べても、大変高いものになっています。これによって高血圧、肥満などになる人が増加しているらしいです。6カ国中、カナダのファーストフードの塩分が一番高いということが事実です🤔今回は、マクドナルドに絞って話していきたいと思います。

       There are tons of Fast food restanrants around the world such as BUGER KING, SUBWAY, Pizza Hut, Mcdonald's. According to the news in Canada those food is load with more salt, fat, and cholesterol than other 5 countries that have been researched, For example, The United States of America, 🇺🇸The United Kingdom🇬🇧, Australia🇦🇺....etc, so Canada is the hightest when it comes to too much salt, fat, and cholesterol.. They cause a terrble stroke, hypertention, and obesity...etc.. Nearly every case, Canada is among the highest salt levels.😐This time, I'm going to focus on Mcdonald's. 



     As you can see the picture, Canada has more than double the amont of the salt . It is too high, isn't it?? Probably, The malority of people like McNuggets though...😀



      サラダでさえも、カナダが他の国に比べて多くの塩分が入っていることは、確かです。 サラダは健康に良いって思ってる人もいたんではないでしょうか。自分は、実際、そう思っていました (笑) 特にカナダは、サラダでも結局、ファーストフードの店だったら健康に悪いってことですね。

    Even Salad have more salt hight contents in comparison with other countries...., so most people think that salad is good for our health, but It is not. I thought that, too haha😂 As a result, fast food is not good for our health even salad especially Canada..Homemade salad is the best Lol👍🏻



      This cuisine tasts great, and is the best cuisine ever I had possibly...haha



                Thank you for subscribing!!!!😆

          Happy Friday, Have a nice weekend👋🏼






No. 5 カナダの離婚率の高い理由? ....etc. why is Canada having a high divorce rate, think about Open relationship )

 ・離婚率について(In regard to the divorce rate)

     今回は、カナダ離婚率について話していきたいと思います。理由は、数人のカナダ人から聞いた話なので100% 正しいってことではないですが、まぁ合ってるんじゃないでしょうか。 カナダの離婚率は48%です。 2008年の時点でなので、もっと高いんじゃないでしょうか。 ほぼ、2分の1ですよね。もっとも知られてる理由は、ほぼ、浮気らしいです。 すべての理由がそういうわけじゃないですが、その理由が多いらしいです。 あ、別に、カナダ人全員がそういう人ってわけではありません。普通に日本人でもいますしね。ちなみに日本の離婚率は、36%です。カナダに最も近いアメリカは53%です。

 This time, I will write about the divorce rate in Canada especially. Based on the Internet, The divorce rate in Canda is 48% in 2008, it almost one-half.. but the reason of that is not precise 100% because of according to some Canadians that I know. presumably, the divorce rate is considerably higher than 2008. One of the well-known reason is a flirtation or cheating mostly in general. a guy does, or a girl does whichever...However, when it comes to these topics, I want to say that Not Everyone have some reasons for sure, and  Not all Canadians means that such a person.  It might be interesting to see how much percentage in own country on the Internet. The divorce rate in Japan is 36% and the coutry which is the closest to Canada, the U.S.A is 53%


 ・オープンリレーションシップ ( Open relationship) 

       まず、これを知らない方に説明すると、簡単に言うと、一夫一妻ではないということです。 恋人同士が、他の人と関係を持つことに認め合うということです。 よく言われる、「浮気」と「二股」とは違って、互いが同意の上で関係を持っているということです。婚姻関係でも同じように、オープンマリッジといいます。カップル内でのルールは多種多様で、それぞれで決めています。 例えば、キスは良くても、身体関係まではダメとか。恋に落ちてはダメとか様々です。 日本にいた時は、知らなかったんですけど、こっちに来て、結構、そういう人いるらしいので、あと、こっちでカナダ人の人たちと話してて、興味深いなと思いましたね。実際、動物の中で、人間だけ一夫一妻ですよね。って話をカナダ人の人たちとしたんですよね(笑) FaceBookの交際関係のところ見てもらうと、わかると思います。浮気性の人とか、何人もの人と交際したい人にはいいんじゃないでしょうか。自分は無理ですね(笑) でも、これから世の中徐々に変わっていくので、やる人がいてもおかしくなくなるんじゃないでしょうか。多少は個人の自由もあるとおもうので、これで、離婚率が下がったりするかもしれないですね。みなさんはどう思いますか? アリですかナシですか?

         I'm going to explain about what Open relationship is for some people who don't know, if you know, just skip to the next paragraph if you want to do. Open relationship means that even though you are in a relationship, you can flirt with others  if you are girl, you can date a guy, if you are a guy, you can date girl besides that each person knows it and admits it in a relationship, so actually it works by a mutual agreement.. even a marriage is same! However there are some rules among couples like you can kiss him or her, but can't do bodily things and fall in love with him or her. 

       I have never seen my friends of mine or acquaintances who do it, so I didn't know that what it is, and I bet it's not a common thing in Japan. After coming here, I knew what it is. and I found it on Facebook. This world is gradually changing, so it could be possible in the future for some people who can't stop flirting with others, or want to date others at the same time, or want to has a bodily relationship. The divorce rate could decrease because of it.. For my opinion, It's not acceptable for sure Lol What do you think about it?? Do you agree? or don't agree?? 



* My daily thing today

          I donated a little money to a kind of advertisement of poor children when I went to the supermaket today which is close to my house because a cashier was smiling at me, so I couldn't ignore his smile Lol even though I was in Japan, I rarely did it Lol


                   Have a nice weekend👋🏼








No.4 ヌーディストビーチって本当にあったんだ(笑) & UBC( University )( A clothing optional beach Literally exists )

   ・ヌーディストビーチ( A clothing optional beach, it's called The Wreck beach )

  ブリティシュコロンビア大学の近くに位置する、ヌーディストビーチです。日本では馴染みのないような場所ですが........(笑)さらに、カナダ人に、温泉(銭湯) 日本にあるやんけみたいなの言われたのですよね。違いははっきり説明したのですが(笑) 外国人もこの記事見てると思うので、違いを最後らへんに載せます。世界的には有名らしいので、夏の間は、アメリカからも多くの人たちがここにきます。シアトルの人が多いのかな。見ればわかる通り、階段を下りてビーチまで行かないといけません。自分のルームメイトは運動だと行ってしばしば行ってますが、本当の目的はどうなんでしょうか(笑)

    There is a clothing optional beach which is located in Vancouver and close to UBC..It sounds weird for Japanese, and famous around the world especially in South and North America. However, some of Canadian asked me the difference between hot springs in Japan and nudist beachs. I'll explain you about it in the end of this page.During summer, a lot of people from the USA come there especially from Seattle because of the distance between Vancouver and Seattle. As you can see, you have to go down the stairs. My room mate is often going there for exercising according to him, but I don't know the truth of that.Lol




 It's kinda steep, so some aged people are supposed to go down slowly and some of people are enjoy viewing there. You can touch the great nature.




Please just Look at the picture.



  ここがビーチです。晴れた日に撮ったわけではないので、あまり微妙な感じですが、晴れてる日はとても綺麗なビーチです。ちなみに、私は、ヌードになったことは一度もありません(笑)水着ですらなったことないです。水着もOKですけど。 勇気がない (笑)普通に無理です。でも、来てる人たちはいい人ばっかりで、時々、道端で出会った時会話をします。

   Here is the beach. In fact, I didn't take the picture on a sunny day, so it looks not so beatiful, but It's supposed to be beautifu on a sunny day. Actually, I have never been naked here, and wore a swim suit either. It's still weird for me! However, people are so nice and sometimes chat with them when I bumped into them on the beach.Besides that, I like here Lol




Please just look at that



   ・ブリティシュコロンビア大学~ University of British Columbia~

    大きさはかなり大きいです。ダウンタウンよりも全然大きいです。とりあえずキャンパス内を全部周るだけでかなり時間がかかります。さすが、カナダ(笑) 日本とは違ってカナダは国土面積が広いので、大学はかなり大きいです。キャンパス内には何でもあります。何でもすぐゲットできます(笑)

     the campus is so huge, and bigger than downtown Vancouver for sure. It takes much time to look around on the campus, nobody wants to do that Lol. UBC is bigger than any other Japanese university for sure because of the are of the whole country. When I want to get something, I can get almost all things.




  There is a hospital which is affiliated to the University. I still remember that I thought How huge this University is lol. When I came here for the first time, I was impressed by it so much.



   Can you see a heart?? that's so cool


  スタバがあるんですよね。いいなぁ(笑) カナダにしかないTim Hortonsっていう安いチェーンのカフェの方が好きですけどね。

  They have Starbucks, I'm jelly of it...actually, I literally prefer Tim Hortons that are only in Canada to Starbucks because it's reasonable, and tastes good.



      ・What are hot springs??

 This is a kind of hot spring. The difference between this one and nudist beaches is wheather to be naked regardless of any sex or not in public. Japanese usually take a bath not taking shower, but sometimes we do.Then, we have a public bath like this picture, sometimes we go there, but It's divided into men and women due to being naked in public, so Neither women or men are able to go into a different place in sex.  It's not mixed up unlike nudist beaches, that's why they are weird for Japanese at first. One of the things that I miss is hot springs Lol 







No.3 初めてのキリスト教の教会( Christian Church for the first time )


     ・何ヶ月前ぐらいから、キリスト教の教会に時々、日曜日通っています。 大学で少し勉強して、ちょっと興味があったので通っています。多分、日本人は神道だと思うんですが、宗教と呼べるようなことはあまりしてないのかなとは思ってるので、一応無宗教という位置付けで話していきたいと思います。

       I have been going to church sometimes on Sonday since my friends invited me to go there. I studied about religions a little which are very famous around the world Like Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, I'm just curious about one of them.



Coastal Churchという世界中にある教会にあるカナダ版みたいなのに行っています。そんなに大きくはないですが、結構人はいます。

I'm going to Coastal church in downtown, Vancouver which is located in the world. It is not a very big one, but tons of people are there.



・雰囲気と内容( The atmosphere & contents )



       The atmosphere is very agreeable, and they embrace any kind of people.. It's free for sure, but some of people donate them. In the opening,basically we are supposed to sing some songs because they have a sort of band, so it's kind of enjoyable, before sitting own seat we usually greet one another next to ourselves. in the middle part, the guy, he is standing on the stage, then, he almost always reads the Bible or talks about some trendy topics as you can see, he talked about Pokemon GO at the moment Lol For me It's literally difficult because he speaks English so quickly even native speakers are hard to understand though.....according to my teacher, so It must be super hard for non-native speakers, but I just try to get used to it and make an effort to listen to and catch it... I just hope It's getting better even a little bit.....Lol


行くきっかけは、無料でTim Hortonsのコーヒーが飲めるのと、パンとかりんごがもらえるからだったのですが、アホみたいな理由ですが、行き始めたら変わりました。何事もとりあえず、きっかけが大事ですね。

 They offer me Tim hortons's coffee, my fave coffee and an apple Lol Whatever the catalyst is supposed to be significant. 



No.2 え?面白いカナダの公共交通機関と交通事情( attractive public transportations in Canada)


The good and interesting systems that there are not in japan, but there is in Canada when I arrived in Canada I noticed that there is the road for cyclists. It anticipates an accident between pedestrians and cyclists.The accident happens in Japan a lot, and recently it's a kind of problem. I expect the improvents of this sort of accidents. I'd like to ride a bicycle in this good environment. 




次に、自転車を積めるだけの広さが電車、地下鉄にあること、そして、バスに自転車を積めるように、バスの頭に積む装置みたいなものがあること。この理由は、多くの人をダウンタウンに呼びこむために始めたらしいです。実際、見てて便利だと思いました。臨機応変に公共交通機関を利用することができます。特に雨が降ってるときとか便利ですね(笑) 地元に欲しい..(笑) あともう1つ便利だなと感じたのは、障がい者、特に車椅子の方が乗車してきたときは、 運転手の人が、バスの高度を調節して、さらに傾斜代みたいなのが出てきます。車椅子の方でもバスに乗れます。

Next, trains and subway are very spacious to load something not only for bicycles. Then, buses have a kind of equipment on the head of a bus to load a bicycle.The reason that why they did is to spour a lot of people to the downtown in Vancouver, personally, I think It's useful and handy for everyone especially cyclists. People are able to adapt to sudden changes in any circumstances. especially it's raining!! haha 



*****メキシコ料理🇲🇽 週末を楽しみましょ〜。

         Mexican Cuisine, Happy Friday😆




I'll post something once a week at least. 😎






No1. ブログ始めました( Started to blog about a daily Life)


Started to blog about a daily life,and when I hit on it, I'll write it.



This summer will be over soon. This autumn is coming soon instead.


・冬のバンクーバー(カナダ)は 基本的に雨が続くらしいです。雨が大嫌いな自分には耐えられるかどうか心配です(笑) それでもカナダの中ではバンクーバーはトップの人気らしいです。

・in Vancouver during winter, the weather is always rainy according to a lot of Canadians. I worry about that because I hate it when I used to live in Japan. Regardless of that Vancover is the best in Canada



・in Vancouver during summer, I didn't expect that No one needs to turn on an air conditioner and electric fan, so only during summer some of people come to Vancouver from different cities in Canada or the USA🇺🇸





that's why we hiked on the grouse mountain. It's so steep and a little bit tough, but even for me it took an hour and fifteen minutes, so it's easy for climbers or the people that do exercise a lot




while we were hiking there, we found a wild squirrel on the branch of the tree, it's not rare in Canada, but for me it's extremely precious.🐿




There are some of wild bears on the peak of the mountain, but they are not as savage as I expected 🐻




the view from the top of the mountain is so awesome and beautiful and, after hiked there, you must feel a sense of achivement



I'll continue to blog about these kind of things like commonplace things at leisure