No.15 カナダの多国籍料理 Part 2 Multinational cuisine in Canada Part 2 🇨🇦🇹🇼🇮🇳

 多国籍料理 Part1を読んでいない方は、Part2を読み終わった後にでも読んでみてください。内容はこっちより多いです。カナダの多国籍料理なのにカナダ料理を初めに入れるのを忘れていました(笑) なぜかというとその時はまだプティーンの存在を知りませんでした(笑) 

    If you haven't read " Multinational cuisine in Canada Part1 " you can read it after reading this one. I forgot to write about Canadian cuisine, although this topic is multinational cuisine in " Canada " lol because I didn't know what poutine is at the time.


Ⅶ. プティーン(Canada)🇨🇦




   Poutine is one of the typical food in Canada, which is mixed by fries, gulanulated cheese and gravy sauce like fast food. I tried eating it once. I don't think the taste is very special or super delicious, but it tasted good for sure. According to Canadian, there are a variety of style in Poutine, so I guess I just had one of them. If you come to Canada or stay there, It might be good to eat it at least once



  Ⅷ.台湾 🇹🇼



     Taiwanese cuisine is similar to Japanese cuisine except for miso soup, but I think I have never had meat like " Karaage " with red sauce, so It's kind of new for me. You can enjoy eating in either way without red sauce. The style is really Japanese, if you are Japanese you will miss Japanese food after eating it.



 Ⅸ インド🇮🇳

これはインド料理ですね。インド料理といえばインドカレーでしょうか。インドカレーもありました。バイキングなのでかなり食べましたね(知っている方も多いと思いますが、ちなみにバイキングは日本英語なので通じないです)日本で行ってた地元のカレーに比べると全く辛くなかったですね。ロブソン通りにあるので行ったことない人は行ってみてください。平日の昼食は15ドルで食べられます。辛いの苦手な人でも全然食べられます。 All-you-can-eatとbuffetを英語では言いますが、その二つでも違いがあるようです。

 All you can eat はテーブルで注文して店員が持ってくるスタイルのことを言うらしいです。Buffet は自分でお皿を持って料理を取りに行くスタイルのことを言うらしいです。どっちも一定の額のお金を払うとたくさん食べることができますが違いがあります。

 India 🇮🇳

  This is Indian cuisine, What comes to mind when you hear Indian cuisine?? Definitely, I say Indian curry. This is buffet styled restaurant, so I ate tons of indian food. when it comes to Indian curry, a lot of people think it's spicy, but It wasn't as spicy as indian restaurant where I used to go to in my hometown in Japan. It's located on Robson street in Vancouver, if you go there for lunch on a weekday, you can have it just 15 bucks. You don't need to worry about how much spicy it is. It's not spicy and not only curry rice lol



Someday, I would like to take my family or friends to those restaurants like" food tour " where I introduced in Part 1&2 lol



     Happy Holidays and Happy New Year(It's early to say it though) 


No.14 カナダの人ってどうやって寒い冬を凌ぐの〜〜??How do people manage to live and warm up in Vancouver during winter??



   It gets colder here day after day... According to the news here, The temperature will be about minus 10 soon, So how do people manage to live here in such a cold winter?? , and I'm going to introduce about how people live in Japan in winter as well, although It's not as cold as Canada. I guess it's quite different from other countries


                      Canadian Style🇨🇦

1. スペースヒーター(室内暖房器具) 

      スペースヒーター が小さな部屋では結構有効です。安いのですぐ購入できます。これは、暖かい空気が出てきます。大きな部屋で使わなければ暖かいですね。早めにセットしとけば暖かくなるのも早くなるかもしれません。

    Space Heater

      Space heater is good if you use it in a small room, hot air comes out of it!, and the price is very reasonable, so you can purchase it easily, I think it's warm unless you use it in a big room. 


2. 集中暖房システム


   Central heat

  Central heat is that the shape is different in each building, and it really depends how it works, but if you ride on there, you might feel warmer.!!! 


3.Baseboard heater

 Baseboard heaterは日本語でどういうのか知りません。まず日本にこういう暖房設備あるんでしょうか?あの隙間から、暖かい風が出てきます。結構快適ですね、だいたい部屋にこれが2〜3個あるのですぐ温まります。下の画像にあるようにあれで温度を調節します。好きですね


   Baseboard heater

 I think we don't have this one in Japan. hot air comes out of it. In my opinion, It's comfortable, and basically we have three give or take in each room. Like the below picture, we adjust the temperature. I like it.







 Actually, I don't know people have it in Canada. I've never seen it here before. I'm not sure, but I think a rich family might have it. It's good looking and compatible with inside of Canadian house. If you go to Gastown, you may see this one inside of building.


                       Japanese style🇯🇵



1. Kotatsu

 Kotatsu is so popular in Japan, and I can say that most of Japanese have it. It's so cool  isn't it?? It's so warm as long as you stay inside. We usually put foot or a lower body in there, but you can go into inside of Kotatsu if you want. However, If you have an opportunity that you can try Kotatsu, please remember.. don't sleep in Kotatsu even an ways lol There are some reasons, your body can't control your bodily temperature while you sleep because of kotatsu, and your bodily temperature doesn't decrease, so it's bad for your body, or you sweat a lot, then trigger dehydration, so don't sleep there if you don't want to get a cold.



2. Oil heater

Oil heater is portable like space heater , but we have to buy oil, and there is a container inside of Oil heater, then, we put oil in there. When we turn on this one in a room, we have to be careful and make sure about surronding things to prevent fire from occuring, and we shouldn't sleep with turning on a stove either, but there is a time on Oil heater these days, so technically you can sleep with turning on a stove. Also, I think there are some the electric ones. Both of them are so warm. I love it



                    Happy Holidays🎅🏻





❄️No.13 何年振りの雪??最後に役立つ情報あり(笑)When did it snow in Vancouver before?? There is useful information in the end.





    When did it snow in Vancouver before??

    it snowed two years ago.😏

    Canada seems so cold, but Vancouver is not as cold as other cities, although it's still cold for me!! but some people said that it's not obvious that snows in Vancouver this year. Most people walk outside with the hood pulled over their head, even when it's in pouring rain, some of them don't use an umbrella. 






  The affect of snow is terrible...

 Especially the buses in Vancouver are not in service often in snow, or it works, but it's delayed. 

basically I take a bus from my home to the station, so it just takes 5 minutes give or take, but If it doesn't work, I have to walk there around 20 minutes. I like walking rather than getting annoyed for waiting.




これは、雪だけよりも異常に最悪ですね。歩道が少し溶けた水でかなり滑りやすくなってますね。あと、気づきにくい水溜りができています。雪で覆われてるけれども、実際は水溜りなのでその上を歩いたらわかりますね(笑) 何回もやらかしました。気をつけましょう。

  ・The combination of snowy roads and rains 

 This is worse than just snow... Any sidewalks are very slippery in snows and rains, and It's difficult to notice there are some puddles around there because they are covered with snow such as slush, but actually they are puddles like this picture, so if you walk on there, you know, right? I did a few times lol Be careful 😝





Skytrain is like subway, It's not manned at all, automatically if there is something on rails, they are gonna stop and stationary, so to prevent it Transportation company tries to keep plowing so much snow, then They don't pile up on there. 



They have a official twitter account "TransLink BC" 

They will say some information on it when It's delayed or not in service, and also you can ask them about it anytime.😌




                     Have a nice week!!! 😁






No.12 🇨🇦定番!! 日本とカナダの文化の違い Some cultural differences from my viewpoint


      A lot of people blog about these kind of things, so It's kind of boring for some of you, but please read them if you have plenty of time. I want you to know about Japanese cultures as well😆


  -公共の場での気遣い 😄


  - paying attention to others in public 

         buses in Japan and Japan are almost same but Canada is more noticeable when it comes to paying attention to others such as older people or disabled people. I've seen many people who give over seats to others for them. People do it in Japan for sure, but it's less noticeable based on my experiecen in Tokyo. Japan is nortorious for being packed in a train, but Vancouver is similar to that, although it depends on the time.




 カナダでバスが時間どうりに来ることなんてほぼないし、来ても回送中とか、全然スペース空いてるのに満員とかサイン出して通り過ぎていきます。その結果、画像の長蛇のバスの列みたいなのができます。不規則すぎて予測して外出するのが大変ですね。でも、文句一つ言わないで乗車するところを見ると誰も気にしてないのか、もうイラ立つのさえもあきらめてるのかもしれません(笑) 日本では見られない光景をここで見ています。日本の交通機関は素直に凄いと思いました。

  Buses in Canada are inconvenient 😭

  They are rarely on time, and even if it comes, the bus shows " Not in Service or sorry bus full " sometimes, although there is much space on it. As a result, some situations  happen like the picture and irregular, so Expecting it to go out is hard once in a while. However, Nobody complains about it at all probably, and I just think they give up getting annoying lol It's hard for Japanese first. I noticed that the greatness of public transit in Japan I feel like people who live here are more relaxed in some situations 





  Whenever we buy something, we talk about something  " Small Talk " We don't have this in general. there are just a few transactions, so I think it's more interesting and good to practice my English skill in my life lol😌






  I see tons of  homeless people all around especially downtown in Vancouver, Canada. I have experienced to stay in Tokyo in Japan, but I've never seen, although I know there are some of them for sure. However, at least It's mcuh hard to see them in my hometown. in Canada, It's one of the social problems, so when it comes to refugees, some people discuss that the country had better handle a homeless problem according to some Canadians it's related to upbringing, mental or physical problems, etc... I learnt many things that I can't know inside of Japan.




       If I come up with other cultural diffrences,

                               I will write


  Thank you for reading. Have a nice day 


                              Happy Friday👋🏼












No.11 カナダの主な祝日またはイベント ( Some of national holidays or major events in Canada )


      A lot of people think that the popular or common events in North America are such as Halloween, and Christmas mostly. YES, That's true, but this time, let's focusing on other events.


 バレンタインデー Valentine's day💑



  There is Valentine's day in Japan as well as Canada, but It's a little bit different from Japan. It's the same thing that a woman gives presents to a man, but men give presents to women at the same day in Canada. However, when it comes to japan, men do not give them back or give them to women on Valentine's day. Instead of that, we have " White day ". In Cadada, they do not have this, so Japanese men give them to women on White day( 03,14 every year) . It's just kind of different. I was just amazed by it a bit. South korea, the country which is next to Japan has " White day" like Japan. I don't  know about other asian countries, but at least these countries have it. I think it's a cultural thing. by the way, It's interesting for me that South korea is the opposite of Japan. Men basically give a present women on Valentine's day instead of White day, but less common.





    Remembrance day ( national holiday ) 



   Remembrance day is the day when world war I finished and was determined by George Ⅴ as a memorial day to remember the deceased and retired soldiers. When remembrance day got closer, some peope might have been able to see a kind of flower like this picture. I've noticed that some of people had it on, but I didn't know that It's related to remembrance day. The flower came from a certain poem. If you want to know more, just Google it!! 



                    Thank you for reading 😆







No.10 カナダで聞いた一部の暗黙の了解 ( parts of unspoken rules in Canada I have heard )


unspoken rule Ⅰ🇨🇦



      Before writing it, I tell you it's different and it depends on each person, but I have heard of it from some of acquaintances in general. The impression is bad if you ask someone's age when you meet them for the first time in Canada. In Japan, I think It's not a big deal. It depends though. It's better to ask about it after getting to know one another, and before asking it, It's better to say like " If you don't mind " or something like that in Canada     





unspoken rule Ⅱ🇨🇦



         Asking someone's marital status is not good either. I thoght when we introduce each other, we are naturally anxious about unmarried, married, or etc..This is the same like an above one, It's better after getting to know each other.






       Small talk is very commonplace in English speaking country. I bet it. in Japan, We don't have this among strangers. If you do it in Japan, other people think Like What the heck ??? they feel weird. Some guys flirt in any countries, right???Lol I have some experiences. One of my experiences is that when I was at the cafe recently, a woman that sat next to me told me "Your shoes are nice" and started up our conversation, It's just a compliment, but I felt good.






                           See you👋🏼






No. 9 デートに最適かもベスト3!!!!! Three good places for a date in Vancouver



   I think there are more than 3 good places for a date in Vancouver, Canada, but this time just leave out others..It's enjoyable for going there with friends for sure.


1 Queen Elizabeth Park. クイーンエリザベスパーク



      The main reason why I chose this place is gorgeous and beautiful, and once in a while, some people hold a wedding ceremony. In fact, I have seen it a few times though. It just has tons of flowers like gardens, but It's very good for travelers or visitors that wouldn't have enough time to go to every single place because It's close to downtown Vancouver.. each way is around 30 minutes



   ここでサプライズプロポーズとか告白なんてやってんじゃないでしょうか(笑) ロマンチックですね。男の方でも好きな人いますけど、女性の方でお花好きな方多いじゃないでしょうか。ここに観光に行くなら春か夏がベストです。気候も良くないと、台無しです。

  Ummmm, some people proposes him or her here perhaps, How romantic it is..haha

The majority of women like to see flowers, some men like though..haha the season that you should go there is spring or summer!!!!! You should take advantage of good weather.



 2. Seawalls in Yaletown.


      The sewalls in Yaletown are breathtaking as long as the weather holds up..just wandering around in a daze though..You will be abe to see the opposite side, and sometimes you can sit on the grass or bring your favorite chair like them lol  Comeparatively, It's not occupied or packed unlike English Bay which is located downtown. The seawalls are better to go there unless you swim in the sea lol It takes less than 20 minutes downtown



     They are divied into sidewalks and lanes for cyclists, so if you like to ride a bicycle, then going around here is a good choice, I wish I




   It goes without saying that The best season is autumn at least summer


3. Deep cove ( ディープコーブ )


     This is Deep cove. The view is worth to see, and there are some activities that you can do Like kayaking, but the problem is that the distance is kind of far.. if you miss the bus to go back to downtown in Vancouver , you would have to wait for a long time, and you have to get on the bus around 40 minutes, so It's better to go there if you stay there for a day. The reason that I chose is because of this, but as I mentioned, It's still worth to see like the  the above places




      There are tons of jellyfishes, so It's not suitable for swimming here Lol, I don't want to swim either. lol




     I'm sorry that I didn't post this last week, I have been sick, still have a cough though 


            Halloween will come out soon!🎃